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2013/08/31 20:14:25

I am having a bug when I try to spin with the "spin to spintax" option checked, and choose "Phrase" in the auto-replace type. I believe it uses the new superspin, because it is also spinning words and the frequency of words is not the one I inputted. The same happens with the "spin to spintax" buttom.

2013/08/31 20:18:08
I'm really looking forward to trying out the SCIII. I have high hopes for it's success. It seems very impressive!!! Keep up the good work!!
2013/08/31 20:27:04

Btw, love the new duplicate mark, since it won't count the words in brackets as the old dupli-eliminate

Really useful when used together with the new superspin.

2013/09/01 00:21:32
RE you need to share this topic to see the download link

it worked fine For ME

Download link >> for SpinnerChief III
shows up here ------------------------
After download, unzip all files into a normal folder, then run SpinnerChief III to begin.
And the beta serial code is Bla-Bla-Bla-ect

The download link appears in another post right below the first one
2013/09/01 02:00:11
looking forward to test!
2013/09/01 10:45:27

In some future version could you add a "bulk negs" option? I mean, that we can select multiple negs, instead of one by one.

I know there is an import function, but is not very functional since you need to write the original list of words you want to neg, and then import it. It would be better if we could do it directly from the synonyms list that shows up when you are spinning a text (i.e. selecting a list of words and then clicking a button to bulk neg those words)

Sometimes, I want to "neg" 100+ synonyms, and doing it one by one is time consuming. Thanks.

2013/09/01 15:28:12
There appear to be no SCIII videos using the SpinnerChiefIII/Help/All Videos links. The videos appear to be all SC II videos in the forum.
2013/09/01 23:42:02

the same with me

2013/09/02 04:14:58

I have tried the free SC II (V5.3) over the past two weeks but have hesitated getting the license. I hope this version provides the motivation to make me buy a license.

Keep up the good work.

2013/09/02 06:26:50

Please include "Remove Original Words"

I have a article manual spin, and when i click the "Preview" the SC III automaticly spin also the word witch i dont want to spin

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