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How to get SpinnerChief 6 free version

ReplyThanks 2014/04/01 06:28:18 5 0

If you want to use the web version of SpinnerChief or if you are Mac user, please go to http://account.spinnerchief.com and register a free account there, then you can login the account on that site to use the web version. You can also use the SpinnerChief API with the web account on third-party software.

If you want to use the windows desktop version of SpinnerChief, please check following steps:

1. Please download WhiteHatBox App software at http://download.whitehatbox.com/whitehatboxsetup.msi

2. After download the software, please install and run whitehatbox app.

3. Click "Content Softwares" category in whitehatbox app, and download SpinnerChief 6 software there.

4. After download, SpinnerChief 6 will install automatically. Then you can run SpinnerChief 6 there directly.

5. After run SpinnerChief 6, select "Start Free Version", then use your name and email to register and login.

Why do we let you run SpinnerChief 6 in whitehatbox app ?

This is an often asked question, the answer is that because whitehatbox app provides some good functions for you, like auto-update, recover to last version and auto-resume from crash etc. So now we put all of our softwares in the whitehatbox app, you can run/update/manage all softwares in one place.

Let's ROCK!
2014/04/08 03:32:41

Thank you to everyone who downloaded and helped us to develop SC3. The beta period is finished, currently you still have a chance - if you are quick! - to buy SpinnerChief 3 for a very low one-time fee. Just click the link below.


2014/04/09 08:15:59
Hello, here nice place to write somthing.
2014/04/25 06:34:33

The software keeps saying login failed, and that I need to validate my email. But i have already done all that. Any suggestions?

I need to register at whitehatbox.com, correct?

Whoops, just noticed the big Register Email button lol

2014/05/04 01:06:40
I'm using spinner chief Version 2, I want to use the spinner chief 3 but when i register mail, "email failed". please help me.
2014/05/04 02:36:40

there is a small problem, we are fixing it. will solve very soon.

for now you can register at http://www.spinnerchief.com/free.html, and login the software using the register information

Let's ROCK!
2014/05/17 18:58:04
5 # davidlt 4/25/2014 6:34:33 AM

The software keeps saying login failed, and that I need to validate my email. But i have already done all that. Any suggestions?

I need to register at whitehatbox.com, correct?

Whoops, just noticed the big Register Email button lol

The same things happened to me..... Any solutions??????

oops, my bad :) didn't press "Validate eMail" in SC

2014/05/17 20:20:11
Let's ROCK!
2014/06/27 02:03:23
Hi I have downloaded spinnerchief 3, when i click the register email button its showing the error - remote name could not be resolved.And try to login its showing login failed pls register and activate. I have already register in the website. Can anyone pls help me
2014/06/27 02:06:21
Pls guide me soon guys
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