It seems that it is not stable, we will fix it.

Not working, test with 5 blogs post, CB not submit any blogs, here is the log
8/20/2015 8:45:29 PMTask 'Test 5 Blogs' is completed!
8/20/2015 8:45:28 PM'Test 5 Blogs-Trade Foreign Exchange': Has submitted 0 blogs.
8/20/2015 8:45:28 PM'Test 5 Blogs-Trade Foreign Exchange': Getting post text...
8/20/2015 8:45:28 PM'Test 5 Blogs-Forex Online Trading': Has submitted 0 blogs.
8/20/2015 8:45:28 PM'Test 5 Blogs-Forex Online Trading': Getting post text...
8/20/2015 8:45:27 PM'Test 5 Blogs-Currency Exchange Trader': Has submitted 0 blogs.
8/20/2015 8:45:27 PM'Test 5 Blogs-Currency Exchange Profit': Has submitted 0 blogs.
8/20/2015 8:45:27 PM'Test 5 Blogs-Forex Day Trading': Has submitted 0 blogs.
8/20/2015 8:45:27 PM'Test 5 Blogs-Currency Exchange Trader': Getting post text...
8/20/2015 8:45:27 PM'Test 5 Blogs-Currency Exchange Profit': Getting post text...
8/20/2015 8:45:27 PM'Test 5 Blogs-Forex Day Trading': Getting post text...
8/20/2015 8:45:27 PMTask 'Test 5 Blogs' begin to run...
8/20/2015 8:45:26 PMYou start the task 'Test 5 Blogs'.
also test with 1 blog and get the same result.
It doesn't have any popup windows like a previous version. Hope we can make this feature works correctly soon, really need it for my work, thank you.