Hi, sturmundrang, we have got your message, very sorry for not replying you earlier.
By the way, we have tested that it works normal on our computer, so it is really strange.
Anyway, if you have any problem, please feel free to contact us.
Can you please connect the database server using other connection fsoftware from the same computer to botchief?
I am thinking maybe the sql server ban the remote connection?
I am using excel to my sql to connect to my database with no issues, I also allowed the ip address I am connecting from on the server. Do you rout the connection through your servers or is it all local on my machine?
Anyhow, I can work around the database for the moment uploading a csv file, the issue is that I cannot even loop through the data in my csv file. It stops at the first row.
The connection is from your machine to your sql server, not through our server.
When you use Table Loop action, you should use other variables to get each row's value of the table, then use these variables in other actions.
1. Ok then I do not understand why with your string I get no connection to the server
2. I did that, I uploaded the table, then created a different variable for each column, then told the value module to pick that specific variable. The result is always the same, botchief inserts the first row of data at each run, causing the website to reject it of course...